Become a Lofty Member, Sponsor Lofty Radio, Buy a Lofty Subscription or DONATE now.
Help keep your local community radio station ON AIR.
Email NOW for more information
OR Phone us on 0493128761
Studio & office 1/19 Crompton Street TOTNESS SA 5250

Whilst we don’t pay sales reps to go knocking on doors, Lofty is always keen to speak with any business owner looking to sponsor us.
Sponsorship can be either ongoing, seasonal or just a one-off to test the waters or get a specific message out there.   We’ll do what we can to ensure that your message finds its most suitable audience.   Because of Lofty’s unique structure and wide range of member talents, we may even be able to do a bit more than just a simple 30 second radio spot.   It all boils down to imagination and budget.  Best of all, because we’re not paying anyone to drum up business, you know that your sponsorship dollars will go straight back into supporting the creative and social fabric of the Adelaide Hills.
Whilst we have a standard sponsorship rate card, we’re more than happy to negotiate a tailored package to suit your business or promotion.

Email NOW for more information